If you are curious about cloth diapering but unable to attend our classes in Richmond this video is a great way to learn all about cloth.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to call us at the store: 804-355-0595, we are happy to help! If you live in the Richmond area our classes are the 2nd Wednesday night of every month at 6:30.
How to fold flat diapers.
Flat diapers are an amazing cloth diapering option. They are super absorbant, easy to wash and incredibly fast to dry. They are very affordable and will fit your child from birth to potty training. Sounds like the perfect diaper right? Well, as is true of everything, nothing is perfect. So, what is the drawback to flats? They require folding, which for some people, including me at first, that seems overwhelming. However, once I started learning the folds I found they were simple, and I loved the ability I had to customize the diaper for a specific need. As your baby grows so will their diapering needs, which is easily managed with different folds for flats. The videos below show a few different flat folds you can try.