When we talk to customers in the store about how to get stains out of cloth diapers we find it is really hard to make them believe that the sun, with all of its natural powers, can remove poop stains.
I understand this completely since it was hard for me to comprehend before I saw it myself. So when one of our customers sent this photo to us I thought it was a great opportunity to show all of you the difference a little sun can make.
This is a photo of a Gro-Via hemp/cotton stay dry pad. The pad on the left is clearly stained and well used (and well loved by the mama using it). The same pad on the right has been washed then dried in the sun. Nothing added, just nature doing what nature does. The cool thing is if you don't have outdoor space it isn't a problem, just putting your diapers in a sunny window can accomplish the same thing.
I keep meaning to try this with my white cloth napkins which are well used and unfortunately show it. This photo has definitely inspired me to try them. I will keep you posted!